Product Detail ~ 00602507465674


Title A Salty Dog
Label A&M
Type Album
Sender PADPIDA2013042401U Universal Music Group
Metadata Created 2021-Sep-17 06:49:51 ... add, v3.7

Pricing   Pricing Analysis

Terr Code Price Start Price End Release Date Sell? Takedown PreOrder Error
AU 1969-Jun-01 No No No 13: No deal information found for sales territory.
CA TL10 2021-Oct-04 1969-Jun-01 Yes No No
NZ 1969-Jun-01 No No No 13: No deal information found for sales territory.
US TL10 2021-Oct-04 1969-Jun-01 Yes No No


  Disc Seq. Ref Title [Group] ISRC Refs
Detail 1 1 A Salty Dog USAM16902213 R1:A1
Detail 1 2 The Milk Of Human Kindness USWWW0128975 R2:A2
Detail 1 3 Too Much Between Us USAM10200285 R3:A3
Detail 1 4 The Devil Came From Kansas USAM10200284 R4:A4
Detail 1 5 Boredom USAM16902217 R5:A5
Detail 1 6 Juicy John Pink USWWW0128979 R6:A6
Detail 1 7 Wreck Of The Hesperus USWWW0128980 R7:A7
Detail 1 8 All This And More USAM10200282 R8:A8
Detail 1 9 Crucifiction Land USWWW0128982 R9:A9
Detail 1 10 Pilgrims Progress USAM10200283 R10:A10